A proxy is someone a student grants permission to view certain information available in their student account. Many times this is a parent and/or guardian. The student manages the creation of the web proxy and the pages the proxy can view.
UHart students are required to complete the Web Proxy/FERPA Consent form. As part of this process, students can assign designees to have access to content within the MyUHart Portal and give consent for UHart officials to be able to communicate with them.
The Web Proxy process provides students more options for how they want to share student information. Once enrolled, students can assign various proxies, like a parent or guardian, to have access to different topics of information, as well to allow the University to communicate with them on these same topics. Categories of information include billing, academics, financial aid, residential life, and student conduct.
The information below will take you through the necessary steps to complete the required form.
Web Proxy Directions for Students
It's important you complete the Web Proxy/FERPA Consent form online. The Web Proxy/FERPA Consent allows you to designate a person(s), like a parent or guardian, to login to certain pages within the MyUHart Portal, as well to allow the University to communicate with them on the same topics.
This is mandatory for all students and must be done prior to the start of the semester.
Once you have logged into MyUHart, you will find a card available to you called Web Proxy/FERPA. From there, follow the steps outlined in the attached PDF document for instructions.
Web Proxy Instructions for Desginees
Those designated to have proxy access will be emailed information once assigned by a student. Proxy designees can be parents, guardians, and family members.
Emails You Will Receive
Your University of Hartford student has designated you as their proxy. When the student portion of the process is complete, you will be issued four emails—sometimes these appear at the same time in your inbox. We've labeled the subject lines of each email and provided instructiosn below.
email #1
Subject Line: Welcome to the University of Hartford's Proxy Access System
This email will have the link you will use to connect to the proxy system for the first time. This URL can only be used once and is active for a limited time. A temporary password will be sent to you in a subsequent email.
Email #2
Subject Line: Web Proxy Temporary Password
For security purposes, we will not send a link and the password in the same email. The second email has your first temporary password. Copy the password from the email entitled Web Proxy Temporary Password and then return to Welcome to the University of Hartford's Proxy Access System email to follow the link.
Email #3
Subject line: Updated Web Proxy Relationship
This email contains the link to access the web proxy AFTER the initial login.
Email #4
Subject Line: Web Proxy Authorization Code
Any time you, as a proxy, logs into the system, you will receive this email. After you initially set up your proxy, you will only get one email each time—the first intial setup, you will receive three emails in addition to this one. This email contains a one-time code to log in—2-factor authentication.
Accessing the Website
The first time you connect to the website you will be asked to establish a permanent password for subsequent logins. We also ask that you fill in your profile information completely and confirm that it is up to date.
When you click the Submit button, you will be prompted to sign in with your new password.
After clicking the Sign In button, you will be asked to verify your identity. This is an added layer of security to ensure that confidential information is not made available to the wrong person. Please click the Submit One-Time Password button to continue. This password will be emailed to you in a message entitled Web Proxy Authorization Code.
Personal Proxy Information
After you copy and paste the one-time use code into the field above, clicking Submit will bring you to a screen to complete your Proxy Personal Information. Please make sure that we have a complete record for you. Required fields are indicated with a red asterisk.
After you click the Submit button, you will be forwarded to the welcome screen for your student. Please notice that you have a drop-down menu of options for the kind of information made available to you. For each authorization type listed, there is a new screen to explore.
See full instructions, including screenshots of each step, here.
Frequently Asked Questions
If you are running into any issues with Web Proxy, please see a the list of FAQs below or contact the Center for Student Success at css@gener8co.com.
Access Proxy Management in the Step 2 link. Click the pencil icon under the proxy whose password needs to be reset. At the top of the page, next to their name and address, is a button to Reset Password. An email with a password reset link will be sent to that email address.
Once your UHart student has designated you as their proxy and completed their requirements, you will be issued four emails—sometimes these appear at the same time in your inbox. We've labeled the subject lines of each email and provided instructions below. Each email serves a purpose in setting you up as a proxy. Once you complete these steps, you will only receive Email #4 moving forward each time you log into your account (this is for security purposes).
email #1
Subject Line: Welcome to the University of Hartford's Proxy Access System
This email will have the link you will use to connect to the proxy system for the first time. This URL can only be used once and is active for a limited time. A temporary password will be sent to you in a subsequent email.
Email #2
Subject Line: Web Proxy Temporary Password
For security purposes, we will not send a link and the password in the same email. The second email has your first temporary password. Copy the password from the email entitled Web Proxy Temporary Password and then return to Welcome to the University of Hartford's Proxy Access System email to follow the link.
Email #3
Subject line: Updated Web Proxy Relationship
This email contains the link to access the web proxy AFTER the initial login.
Email #4
Subject Line: Web Proxy Authorization Code
Any time you, as a proxy, logs into the system, you will receive this email. After you initially set up your proxy, you will only get one email each time—the first intial setup, you will receive three emails in addition to this one. This email contains a one-time code to log in—2-factor authentication.
Access Proxy Management in the Step 2 link. Click the pencil icon under the proxy whose passphrase you want to access. The passphrase is in the Additional Information section. There is a button you can press that will email the passphrase to your contact or you can just tell them what it is.
Access Proxy Management in the Step 2 link. If the proxy has not yet created their account, you will see the word Inactive under their email address and you can click the trashcan icon under the proxy name to delete that proxy. If they've already created their account and accessed your information, you cannot remove them, but you can remove all authorizations by clicking on the pencil icon and unchecking all of the authorization options. They will get an email stating that you either deleted the relationship or updated the authorizations.
Proxy users can log in here: http://uhart-pxesa-001.gener8co.com:8100/StudentSelfService/login/auth. This can be found in the email communications they received upon becoming your proxy contact.
Shows billing and payment transactions for all terms. Also provides authorization for the University to communicate with the proxy via phone/text/email about your bill. This is not where you pay your bill—payment is through the Bursar's Office.
Tax Notification 1098T - Allows the proxy to view and print the 1098T for all tax years.
Shows final grades (not gradebook data like Blackboard) for all terms and classes. Also provides authorization for faculty and staff to communicate with the proxy about your grades.
Financial Aid:
Financial Aid Dashboard, Financial Aid Award History, and Financial Aid Award Offer will show the proxy any financial aid that has been offered to you over the years. These pages also authorize staff at the university to discuss financial aid issues with the proxy.
Residential Life:
There is no page for Residential Life, but this will authorize staff at the university to discuss residential life topics with the proxy.
Student Conduct:
There is no page for Student Conduct, but this will authorize staff at the university to discuss student conduct topics with the proxy.